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Spring Soccer and Elks Soccer Shoot Cancelled


Dear Players and Parents,

It was my hope that we were going to have some semblance of a spring soccer season, but to my dismay, that is not going to happen. As you know, with COVID-19 and the restrictions placed on all of us, it is impossible to engage in practices and games at this time. Mayor Mike has also decided to cancel our Annual Soccer Shoot sponsored by the Elks Organization of which he is a member.

I am looking forward to the fall season with practices beginning in mid August and games starting after Labor Day.

Since your son or daughter has already been assigned to a team, uniforms has been printed, and team sponsors have graciously volunteered to back a team, I am proposing the following for the fall:

Only players who did not sign up for spring soccer will be required to register in the fall.
Players currently signed up for this spring season will not have to register for the fall.
We will keep all teams the same as they were made up for this spring.

Adjustments will be made for players aging into the next age group for the 2020 / 2021 season (if necessary).
Any player who does not wish to play fall soccer, and paid a fee for this spring season, can ask for a refund by calling the Community Services Dept. and speak with Donna Algeri.
If you have any questions, please email me @

Narlin Shadd / Brooklyn Heights Soccer